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- ==============================================================================
- Professional Diz Adder v2.3 - © 1997 Henrik Lundquist (Boz/5Byte^Software)
- ==============================================================================
- Introduction
- ============
- The Professional Diz Adder v2.3 (PDA) is a tool that generates file_id.diz's
- for packed files (lha, lzx, dms) and also some other filetypes (gif, jpg, txt)
- If you have ever had a lot of files without any description, and you don't
- like to make diz after diz and add to your archives, this is the perfect tool
- for you.
- With about 40 fileheaders, you are able to generate nice looking diz's, with-
- out putting too much effort in to it, by using this software.
- There are two different versions of the program. One unregistered and one
- registered. The unregistered have certain limitations such as:
- · Only 8 fileheaders in the default list (explained later) - The registered
- version can have as many as you can monitor on your screen! (About 40 using
- Pal:Hires, more if you have a higher resolution.)
- · No ad-stripping in packed archives.
- · An irritating reminder popping up everytime you are about to add/view a diz
- to/in a file.
- If you are interested in getting registered, contact the author (look at the
- last lines in this textfile). It's cheap (only 50 SKR (about $9 or £4)) so
- it's affordable for everyone.
- Installation
- ============
- Use the installprogram that's included (PDA_Install.exe) - or if you want to
- do it by hand, copy the files in the 'C/' drawer to C:, the files in the 'S/'
- drawer to S: and the files in 'Header/' to a directory of your own choice.
- Then you MUST assign the Header drawer - open your 'S:User-Startup' file with
- an appropriate texteditor and add the following at the end of it:
- Assign Header: <here you write the path to the drawer>
- After that, open a shellwindow and do the same assign there.
- Then you'll need to get your hands on lha, lzx and dmsdescript from somewhere.
- I recommend you to call a BBS in your surroundings.
- Requirements
- ============
- You'll need the following programs to make PDA work properly:
- LHA - Copyright © Stefan Boberg
- LZX - Copyright © Data Compression Technologies
- DMS - Copyright © PanCom Software
- DMSDESCRIPT - Copyright © Remo(Mystic/X-DeSign)
- Usage
- =====
- You use PDA through a dos-shell or by using it in a dos-compatible environment
- (for example the NiKom BBS-System).
- Syntax: PDA <file> <fileheader>
- As you can see above, PDA accepts two parameters. But what will happen if you
- forget one of them or even both?
- An example where both parameters have been left out. Only a syntax is shown.
- -------------------------------------------------------------
- Professional Diz Adder (PDA) v2.3 - ©`1997 Boz/5Byte^Software
- -------------------------------------------------------------
- Supports: DMS, LHA, LZH, LZX, GIF, JPG and TXT.
- How 2 use: PDA <file> <fileheader>
- -------------------------------------------------------------
- Registered to: UNREGISTERED!!! Only 50 SKR to register!
- -------------------------------------------------------------
- And like this it'll look like if you leave out the fileheader - a default
- file_id.diz header list will appear - an easy and comfortable way to add your
- diz's! And above all - EXCELLENT when used as a file_id.diz viewer/adder in a
- BBS-system! (Remember that only the 8 first will show if you have an un-
- registered version!)
- ===============================================================
- No file_id.diz-header parameter given. File: PDA_Test.txt
- ===============================================================
- [ 1] 3D-stuff [18] Freehand_graphics
- [ 2] About_cracking [19] Game
- [ 3] AmigaE [20] Hacking
- [ 4] Amiga_Unspecific [21] Internet_Related
- [ 5] AmiXpress [22] Mpeg
- [ 6] Anarchy [23] Music_related
- [ 7] Anim5 [24] NiKom
- [ 8] Animation [25] NTPro
- [ 9] Arexx [26] Phreaking
- [10] Ascii_Art [27] Picture_undefined
- [11] Assembler [28] Pornographic_picture
- [12] BBS_Övrigt [29] Raytrace_graphics
- [13] C [30] Source
- [14] Carding [31] Undefinable
- [15] Daydream [32] Utility_file
- [16] Demo_Intro [33] Virus_tools_and_sources
- [17] Drugs [34] WBsnap
- ===============================================================
- Headerchoice:
- After that you'll be asked for the file's description. You have up to three
- rows to describe the file. If you can't come up with a description, just press
- ENTER and the descripion in your S:PDA.DEF will be used. When you've entered
- your description, a file_id.ad will be added, and your file_id.diz is finished!
- Archive Contents
- ================
- These files should be included in the PDA archive:
- The Header Drawer - Here your default headers reside.
- S/PDA.CFG - A configuration file. Here you decide whether or not to have ad-
- stripping on by giving the correct command.
- STRIPARCHIVES=NO Tells PDA not to strip ads.
- STRIPARCHIVES=YES Here PDA will strip the ads that it has been
- told to strip (see S/PDA.STRIP).
- S/PDA.STRIP - In this file you enter the ad-files to strip from archives (see
- S/PDA.CFG dor further information).
- S/PDA.DEF - The PDA.DEF file contains a default file_id description if there
- is no description available when making a diz.
- S/PDA.AD - This is a file where you put your own file_id.diz ad in. The first
- line should ALWAYS be there, after that you can write how long a
- file_id-ad you want.
- Example:
- <----44 chars. Don't delete this line!!---->
- --------------------------------------------
- This file came from Paranoia BBS!
- --------------------------------------------
- Example of what a diz will look like:
- ______ _____ ___ _____ _____ ______
- ¡_) __ ¡_) Y ¡_)____¡_) ___)_¡_) __ ¡
- |\ ' |\ ! |\ |\ \___ |\ ' |
- | T | ¡ ¡ | | ' | T |
- `----'--^----`---'-^------^--------^-bZ-'--'
- --------------------------------------------
- A pretty cool example-diz generated using
- the unregistered version of PDA v2.3!
- Over 40 diz's available in the registered!
- --------------------------------------------
- This file came from Paranoia BBS!
- --------------------------------------------
- S/PDA.HED - In this file there should be a list of your headers in the header:
- drawer. One name on each row - always 'bind' your filenames
- together like 'PDA_v2.3' not 'PDA v2.3' (the difference is the '_')
- , so the header identifier will find it. It's important that you
- write down you headernames EXACTLY as they are named in your Header:
- archive. The file are full of examples you can look at using an
- ordinary texteditor (such as CygnusEd Professional).
- C/PDA - This is the program itself. Only 32760 bytes large and still as power-
- ful as you need.
- History
- =======
- -> v2.2 - Fixing bugs, lots and lots of new functions... And so on :)
- v2.3 - Fixing ALOT of bugs (though NONE! given by E-Mail and so on.
- Added REPLACE mode for the file_id.diz's in .txt files.
- Improved the engine itself, rewrote several sections of badly
- written code :)...
- Known bugs
- ==========
- There are only one known bug in PDA. The program doesn't accept certain letters
- (The Swedish letters å,ä,ö for instance) in the parameters sent to it while
- starting the program. This causes the program into not recognising the file in
- question.
- Since this program is written in Pascal, it may have something to do with that.
- If someone knows how to fix it (or finds any other nasty bugs) please contact
- the author.
- Disclaimer
- ==========
- The author takes NO responsibility whatsoever of problems due to the program.
- If your monitor blows up or your harddrive crashes, fine, but don't blame it on
- me. You use this program at your own risk.
- Contact the author (for registrations and comments):
- ====================================================
- Henrik Lundquist - Boz/5Byte^Software
- Voice Number: +46-(0)13-15 40 85
- Paranoia BBS: +46-(0)13-15 28 74 (Swedish speaking only!)
- E-mail: b0z.5Byte-Software@linkoping.mail.telia.com
- Other
- =====
- The Professional Diz Adder (PDA) is Copyright © 1997 Henrik Lundquist. It may
- not be resold, hired or in any other way handed to a third part. PDA is labeled
- under the Shareware etiquette. NiKom, DMS, Dmsdescript, Lha, Lzx, GIF, JPG and
- CygnusED Professional are Copyright © their respective owners.
- ALL the Ascii in the archive is also © 1997 Henrik Lundquist, and if you wish
- to use them in something other than PDA and file_id.diz's generated by PDA, you
- MUST contact the author and ask for a permission.
- EOF.